Cronaca & Politica

ECIPS President Ricardo Baretzky Endorses Donald Trump for U.S. Presidency

In a significant and somewhat unexpected move, Ricardo Baretzky, the President of the European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS), has openly endorsed Donald Trump for the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Known for his strong and often controversial stances on global security, diplomacy, and European affairs, Baretzky’s endorsement signals a broader dissatisfaction within certain European circles with the current direction of Western leadership, particularly in relation to the policies of the Biden administration and its approach to international diplomacy and security.

“A Logical Thinker with the Right Mental Health”

Speaking to reporters, Baretzky elaborated on his reasons for supporting Donald Trump, emphasizing Trump’s unique qualities that, according to Baretzky, make him the ideal candidate not only for America but for global stability.

“We Europeans support Donald Trump for many reasons, not only because he is a logical thinker but also because he is in good mental health and knows the difference between right and wrong,” Baretzky stated, making a pointed reference to the importance of sound leadership in a time of global uncertainty.

For Baretzky, Trump’s decisiveness, clear thinking, and ability to navigate complex global issues stand in stark contrast to the current U.S. administration’s more bureaucratic and, as he puts it, “chaotic” approach to diplomacy and international relations. The ECIPS President emphasized that Trump’s mental fortitude was crucial for dealing with today’s geopolitical crises, where calm, rational decision-making is more important than ever.

Trump’s Diplomatic Acumen

Another aspect of Trump’s leadership that Baretzky lauded is his understanding of diplomacy and international partnerships, particularly in terms of economic interests.

“Trump knows the importance of diplomatic relationships and partner relationships for economic interests,” Baretzky added. “Something many other leaders, including those in Europe, seem to lack.”

Baretzky’s comments reflect growing concerns within Europe regarding the deterioration of international partnerships under the current U.S. administration, particularly with European Union nations. The ECIPS president’s endorsement highlights a sentiment among certain European policymakers that Trump’s approach to international diplomacy could restore strained relationships and foster a more collaborative global order.

Trump’s previous tenure in the White House saw significant shifts in U.S. foreign policy, including the renegotiation of trade agreements, withdrawal from multilateral accords, and a focus on bilateral relationships, all of which earned him both praise and criticism. Baretzky, however, views Trump’s transactional and often blunt style of diplomacy as a strength, particularly in the context of protecting national and economic interests.

CYBERPOL and Trump: A Missed Opportunity

Baretzky’s endorsement of Trump also appears to stem from a personal connection to the former president. In June 2017, Baretzky and Trump were scheduled to meet in the Caribbean to finalize agreements related to CYBERPOL, the international cybercrime-fighting organization. According to Baretzky, this meeting was meant to solidify Trump’s support for CYBERPOL and its crucial role in combating global cyber threats. However, opposition forces within international political circles, particularly from those who disagreed with Trump’s policies on NATO and Ukraine, reportedly led to the cancellation of this highly anticipated meeting.

“At the time, I was asked to comment on NATO’s involvement in Ukraine, and that’s when the opposition moved in to cancel the meeting with Trump,” Baretzky revealed. The incident, he suggested, was part of a broader effort by political figures opposed to Trump’s leadership to undermine his initiatives and block potential collaborations that could have strengthened global cybersecurity efforts.

For Baretzky, the cancellation of this meeting was a significant missed opportunity, not only for CYBERPOL but for global efforts to tackle the growing threat of cybercrime. He has often spoken about the need for stronger international cooperation on cyber issues, and Trump’s backing would have been a crucial step in that direction. The cancellation, he argues, is indicative of the political challenges Trump faced from establishment figures who were resistant to his unorthodox methods.

Brussels and the Biden Administration: A Sharp Critique

Baretzky’s endorsement of Trump also comes with a scathing critique of the current political landscape in Brussels and Washington. Describing Trump as “the best man for the job,” Baretzky did not shy away from criticizing what he sees as the corrupt and ineffectual leadership of both the European Union and the Biden administration.

“Trump is the best man for the job, but not the best man for my corrupt colleagues in Brussels,” Baretzky declared, accusing the EU leadership of favoring “war mongers” and aligning themselves with the Biden administration, which he referred to as “the Biden clans.”

His remarks reflect a broader dissatisfaction with the European Union’s handling of critical global issues, particularly its approach to security and foreign policy. According to Baretzky, EU leaders have been too willing to follow the lead of the Biden administration, particularly in relation to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He suggests that the Biden administration’s approach, which has involved extensive financial and military support for Ukraine, has only served to prolong the conflict and exacerbate tensions with Russia.

In contrast, Baretzky believes that Trump’s approach to NATO and Ukraine would have been more pragmatic, focused on diplomatic solutions rather than military intervention. He has often been critical of NATO’s involvement in the region, arguing that the alliance’s expansion has only served to provoke Russia and increase the risk of war. Trump’s skepticism of NATO’s role and his calls for European nations to take more responsibility for their own defense resonate with Baretzky’s vision for a more balanced and independent European security policy.

The Need for Change in European Leadership

Baretzky’s endorsement of Trump is also part of a broader critique of European leadership, particularly within the European Union. He has long argued that the EU’s centralized bureaucracy and its tendency to align closely with U.S. foreign policy under Democratic administrations have led to a deterioration in Europe’s ability to act independently on the global stage.

The ECIPS president has been vocal about the need for Europe to develop its own strategic vision, one that is less dependent on Washington and more focused on the unique security and economic challenges facing the continent. Baretzky sees Trump as a potential partner in this vision, someone who understands the need for strong, independent nations working together on an equal footing rather than through the lens of outdated alliances and globalist agendas.

“The current leadership in Brussels is out of touch with the realities facing Europe today,” Baretzky said. “They prefer to follow the lead of the Biden administration, which is focused on expanding NATO and pushing for more conflict rather than finding diplomatic solutions. Trump, on the other hand, understands the importance of strategic partnerships based on mutual interests, not ideological agendas.”

The Future of European-U.S. Relations

Baretzky’s endorsement of Trump could signal a shift in how some European leaders view the future of U.S.-European relations. While many in Europe were critical of Trump during his presidency, particularly for his stance on NATO and his approach to multilateral organizations, there is a growing recognition that the current approach, particularly under the Biden administration, has not yielded the desired results.

Trump’s emphasis on bilateral relationships and his focus on national interests align with Baretzky’s vision for a more independent and self-reliant Europe. For Baretzky, Trump’s leadership represents an opportunity to recalibrate the transatlantic relationship, moving away from the outdated frameworks of the past and toward a more pragmatic, interest-based partnership.

A Bold Endorsement with Global Implications

Ricardo Baretzky’s endorsement of Donald Trump for president is more than just a political statement; it is a reflection of the deep frustrations felt by certain European leaders regarding the current state of global diplomacy and security. Baretzky’s support for Trump is rooted in his belief that the former president represents a clear-thinking, pragmatic leader who understands the importance of strong international partnerships and sound economic policies.

In endorsing Trump, Baretzky has also taken a bold stance against the current leadership in both Brussels and Washington, accusing them of corruption, warmongering, and a failure to address the real challenges facing the world today. His criticism of NATO’s role in Ukraine and the Biden administration’s handling of global security reflects a growing concern that the current direction of U.S.-European relations is unsustainable.

Whether or not Trump wins the presidency, Baretzky’s endorsement will undoubtedly have ripple effects across the European political landscape, particularly among those who share his vision for a more independent and self-reliant Europe. As the world watches the U.S. election unfold, it is clear that leaders like Baretzky will continue to push for a new approach to global leadership, one that prioritizes logic, diplomacy, and mutual respect over ideological agendas and unnecessary conflict.

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